Comparative Uses/Source

By analyzing and comparing the text index section for ISPs, one can get a useful overview of which are covered at what depth in sources. Indices have much more detail than section headings. At CSER we will show a chart that has an initial comparison of seven key systems texts for an “at-a-glance” charting of SP coverage. This is another product for integrating the many sources using the SP3 framework. None of these texts have anything like the Linkage Propositions of the SPT although Miller’s Living Systems has “cross-level hypotheses” which are quite different from LPs. In our INCOSE-SSWG project for unifying a fragmented systems science, we chart pure natural science books in addition to classic systems texts. Some on pure physics have much to tell us about certain SPs. For example, Auyung, Barrow, Randall, Greene all include details on symmetry & other SPs. Future SPT at-a-glance tables will include the total number of pages covering each SP and exactly what pages — a very useful product for SS and SE students and researchers. INCLUDE MY AT-A-GLANCE TABLES HERE If one reviews the work of some 200 individual researchers who have contributed to the various fragmented systems domains, it becomes clear that some work mostly on one isomorphy (e.g. Mandelbrot, Prigogine, Forrester), and others work on just a few (Bertalanffy, Boulding, Odum, Miller) while some ignore the concept of isomorphy altogether. The SPT team has analyzed several major texts on systems to see how many isomorphies they explicitly acknowledge and work with. Some of our charts provide an At-A-Glance comparison of some of the major workers showing how their theories compare with the SPT. INCLUDE HERE SAMPLE CHARTS ON COMPARISONS.