Systems Pathologies

Based on the systems processes, we have identified major classes of systems dysfunctions (e.g. cyberpathologies, rheopathologies, heteropathologies, nexopathologies, and more. Within each class, we have identified dozens of specific diseases based on dysfunctions of the normal systems processes. We anticipate being able to suggest the consequences of each particular dysfunction allowing improved diagnosis, prognosis, comparative treatment regimens, and predictions. This new top-down classification of many systems dysfunctions amplifies the data load on SS and SE further demanding development of a rigorous sysinformatics.

Once one knows the “steps” in the process of an ISP, or how systems work functionally, one knows the mechanics that contribute to sustainability of that system. It is easy to then see how the steps in the process or the natural mechanics might become dysfunctional. Unlike medicine, we do not call these diseases but prefer dysfunctions. After all, the word disease itself simply refers to not feeling at ease or healthy.

Those of us who study the new field of Systems Pathology feel it is so important that we have initiated a new professional society to focus both research and application of systems-based knowledge to the curation  of both natural and human systems. We urge you to study the website for this new professional society, the International Society for Systems Pathology (ISSP) by going to:

We also urge you to sample the many facets of Systems Pathology at this website:

Here are a number of articles on various aspects of Systems Pathology: